The mission of The Dream Team is to connect people and their gifts to an opportunity to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Let's get started! If you know where you would like to help serve, click on the serving areas below to see all the opportunities available.
If you don't know where to begin, start by taking our SHAPE Assessment to learn what spiritual gifts and passions the Lord has given you. Your results will give you a better understanding on how God has specifically shaped you and what areas God has called you to start serving with on the Dream Team. Once you are done, Click JOIN THE DREAM TEAM, and fill out the application.
If you don't know where to begin, start by taking our SHAPE Assessment to learn what spiritual gifts and passions the Lord has given you. Your results will give you a better understanding on how God has specifically shaped you and what areas God has called you to start serving with on the Dream Team. Once you are done, Click JOIN THE DREAM TEAM, and fill out the application.
Serving FAQ's
Journey Kids has programming or childcare available during most opportunities to serve. We also love it when kids and parents serve together.
Everyone needs a break! We know this is true about serving. Our ministries provide clear times for you to take a break or try new areas of serving.
You will be trained and equipped to serve wherever you choose. This is also an ongoing process; we will continue to walk with you and give you new tools as new situations arise.
1 Corinthians 12:13-27 talks at length about the body and how it is made up of many parts. Without those parts, the body cannot function. This is the truth about our church; we need your gifts among us to see God's full picture of the Kingdom at work.